Factsheet #42
Working group for urban and regional planning
#42: Working group for urban and regional planning
Working group on exchange between key player on urban and regional planning. It is used as a discussion and planning platform (format) for the development of a certain area.
Regular meetings of hierarchy and at working level are included to exchange knowledge or for the communication and joined development of projects. It should include the key players and reach from bilaterial exchange to including larger number of institutions. It is especially relevant where borders of responsibilities are reached or responsibilities are overlapping and a regular exchange is necessary.
Example: Working group of water board and regional planning association in the Ruhr region
The working group “Neues Emschertal” consists of a joint cooperation between the Emschergenossenschaft water board (EG) and the Ruhr Regional Association (RVR) and is operating since 2006. It aims at improving knowledge exchange and information flows among partners (members, citizens, municipalities, politics and companies) to generate the relevant knowledge for detailed planning towards a dynamic urban, cultural and water environment. Through more than 200 joint regional projects, the area under competence of the working group is emerging as an attractive green center and, thanks to a comprehensive and long-term approach, will have a positive impact on the perceived image of the whole Ruhr region.
Metropole Ruhr (2010). Wir über uns. Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Neues Emschertal. http://ag-emschertal.metropoleruhr.de/neues-emschertal/wir-ueber-uns.html Retrieved 24 September 2020